Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tomato babies

We had our first frost of the season on Saturday. I never thought I would see an end to the tomatoes, but now that their time has come, we can't seem to let them go. For the past two nights, we've been making evening missions to the garden to go tuck in the tomatoes, and the process has claimed every bed sheet in the house.

I guess we're hoping that that if we baby them for the next couple of days, it will get warm again and we can get another couple of weeks of tomatoes. Not that I'm not entirely sick of eating tomatoes, I am. When we're not canning them, or drying them in the oven, we've been giving them away to the fellows at the rooming house next door. They love to chat, and they love my dog, and they scared away a man trying to steal our bikes last week. That makes us friends.

Here's a picture of Agata with some of this weekend's haul.

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